Tag Archives: disease-prevention

Six Month Update on the Stem Cells

Diseases and conditions where stem cell treatm...
Diseases and conditions where stem cell treatment is promising or emerging. Bone marrow transplantation is, as of 2009, the only established use of stem cells.                                                 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As many of you know I had a stem cell implant in January at StemGenex in La Jolla California.  I had been somewhat discouraged by the effect on my Parkinson’s disease but two different people in the past week have spontaneously remarked that my tremors have reduced. The tremors have spread to the other side, but are less intense.  So it may well be that I am not the best judge- I only pay attention when the tremors are active.

I want to say right off that even if I’d had no effects whatsoever from the stem cell implant that valuable information would be derived from the study.  We need to learn who responds and who does not.  There are considerations of the effects on insulin resistance and gut bacteria, as well as vagus nerve stimulation that affect the success of stem cell implants. We need more experimentation on how and where to administer the cells and what activities will impact their proliferation.  (Too bad for nonresponding participants who pay out of pocket but good for science.)

It is true that I haven’t had the dramatic changes that I expected. And I might have done better with stem cells taken from the cord blood of a newborn rather than my own adipose (fat) cells. When you are fat, the fat cells can be hypoxic and less vital. One doctor I spoke with in Mexico said he prefers cord blood because the stem cells are more active, even if there are considerably fewer of them.  If you are heavy and are considering stem cell implants you might consider using cord blood.  Cord blood is not available in the US, but there are reputable firms outside of the country.

Do I think losing weight prior to a stem cell implant might have helped?  Only with a few years lead time and lots of detoxification.  The problem is that fat stores toxins to protect the body from the harm they can cause.  I have tested high for lead, strontium, DDE and other endocrine-disrupting compounds. Weight loss can dump toxins into the blood stream and tissues as fat cells are broken down or deflated, which is why I have gotten sick every single time I lost weight, even slowly.  I did a course of herbal detox  and DMPS, EDTA, and Olestra (1) chelation prior to the stem cell implant to reduce toxins but stopped a month before the implant to let my body normalize.  Chelation cannot be done after the implant until the cells have finished multiplying.

A friend tells me that our neighbor is still experiencing improvements 2 years after his stem cell implant – and it took a while to build up.  He saw the greatest improvement after he started getting deep massage and using a vibration platform late in the first year. So there is still hope. It has been only 6 months. One woman with MS who was going through the implant with me for the third time said that the first time there was no change until 6 months and suddenly she was able to raise her legs two feet instead of two inches.  Pazienza, Karen!

Confidence Fitness Vibration Platform. http://amzn.to/1Ge8Ifw
Confidence Fitness Vibration Platform. At http://amzn.to/1Ge8Ifw

I was advised by a colleague with Parkinson’s to get a vibration platform to increase the stem cell activation and to reduce Parkinson’s symptoms. I used one last week while visiting my parents and it definitely activates qi and blood, affecting not only circulation but eliciting a strong stretch-reflex contraction in muscle fibers.  It is a very efficient anaerobic form of resistance training and they claim that 10 minutes of platform exercise is like 60 minutes of regular exercise.  Vibration platforms for the home run between $200- $6000.  While the pure platforms without handholds look like they give a stronger vibration and certainly fit better in a NYC apartment, the design looks risky for someone with Parkinson’s.  The $250 Confidence Fitness machine has over 700 five star reviews on Amazon.  I am saving up for it now.

Handhold- less dual motor vibration plate (what do you do with the remote while shaking?
Handhold- less dual motor vibration plate (what do you do with the remote while shaking?)
  1. Ronald J. Jandacek, James E. Heubi, Donna D. Buckley, Jane C. Khoury, Wayman E. Turner, Andreas Sjödin, James R. Olson, Christie Shelton, Kim Helms, Tina D. Bailey, Shirley Carter, Patrick Tso, Marian Pavuk.Reduction of the body burden of PCBs and DDE by dietary intervention in a randomized trial. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2014; 25 (4): 483 DOI: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2014.01.002


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And more on Vitamin D

This is a very funny and informative video on Vitamin D, with images that will stick with you.  (I especially liked his publication strategy to get new patients.)

  • Infant chimps, which we have already seen need similar Vitamin D to humans can take 5000 iu per day.
  • Collagen without sufficient Vitamin D is like putting Jello in water- it gets softer and can’t support the bones.
  • Iguana owners have a better idea of Vitamin D needs than most doctors. (And the pictures of Vitamin D deficient iguanas will stick with you.)
  • Vitamin D is responsible for regulating the blood pressure hormone rennin, and for combating elevated levels of C-reactive protein in your body.
  • Malignant melanoma usually appears in areas without exposure to sun, and working out of doors lowers your malignant melanoma rate.
  • Squamous cell skin cancer is the only cancer that occurs more in sunbathers, the ones that will kill you are lower.
  • Vitamin D toxicity occurred in a Florida lawyer who was taking 1 million iu of Vitamin D for two years due to a manufacturing accident.  When they gave him a diuretic and kept him out of the sun for a month, it reversed.
  • While tanning bed enthusiasts get more cancer, they also have higher bone density.

Lots more and hard information:

See Related Posts:

Vitamin D Regulates the Immune System

Nursing Mothers, Infants and Vitamin D

How to Get Vitamin D from the Sun

Vitamin D Prevents Cancer, Type 1 Diabetes, MS, Heart Attack and Pain

Our Symbionts, Ourselves

Only 10% of the cells in our bodies are human.  Ponder that.  We BodyPolitic_HPhave easily a hundred trillion bacterial cells, not just in our gut but all over our body.  They make us work:  breaking down food into something we can assimilate, fighting infection, signaling our cellular processes, converting sunlight to Vitamin D, forming biofilms to protect us.   We have fungi that break down wastes, yeasts that ferment and transform extra sugars, worms that can prevent autoimmune disease.  Some of our bacteria themselves have viruses.  We are walking colonies of organisms in a human superstructure.

I was lucky to have attended Berkeley in the ’70s when the theories of Lynn Margulis on evolution from bacteria were taking hold.  Margulis holds that we started as colonies of microorganisms which specialized or cooperated with other kinds of colonies to form superstructures we recognize as species.   She noticed that brain cells and sperm share characteristics with spirochete bacteria, positing that they evolved from bacteria that were gradually incorporated into the superstructure.

Since the 1880s when the mitochondria that power each of our cells were discovered,  scientists have noticed their similarity to bacteria.  They have their own DNA and yet live not only inside of our bodies, but  inside of our cells and we would have no energy without them.  Margulis calls them endosymbionts (“inside symbionts” or “inside organisms that live intertwined with us.”)  We are composites of human and microrganism  cells:  some are totally independent, some form biofilms over our teeth or guts, some are incorporated into the superstructure.

This is true of plants and animals as well.  Termites can’t digest wood themselves.  It is not their gut bacteria, but the organisms that are symbiotic with the gut bacteria of the termites which can break down the cellulose.  Plants have chloroplasts which act like mitochondria and their own microorganisms.  Fungi provide a subterranean internet which allows forms of chemical communication throughout a forest.

Although we have some human genes, the microbes together contribute at least 1,000 times more genes to the whole.  That is right, your genes aren’t entirely your own either.  We use those genes, and they affect the epigenetic expression of our human genes.

The collective term for all your microflora is the microbiota, and it acts like a large organ.  The microbiota breaks down food we can’t digest, processes toxic drug residues and filters them out of the nutrients we send to the blood, it makes vitamins that we need and generally protects our immunity.  When it suffers an assault, say a course of antibiotics or a very bad diet, we get sick, just as we would if our lungs or liver were assaulted.  We need to care for our symbionts.

How foods penetrate the leaky gut causing allergic reactions
The Probiotic organisms line the lumen and villi, protecting against large particles entering and helping prevent leaky gut or allergic reactions.

Parts of the natural health community has expressed fear of the larger symbionts- witness the rush to kill off  “parasites.”  Our immune systems have co-evolved with parasitic worms—living alongside then for millions of years has shaped the way our immune systems react to pathogensWe have five interleukin genes, which affect the immune system’s response to disease. These genes have evolved to deal with a variety of different pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, fungi and worms. Yet when the body has no parasites, none of the minor worms that have co-evolved with us, the part of our immune system that would attack the parasites attacks us instead, causing autoimmune diseases that are not present in areas of the world where people must deal with worms.  And in fact there have been trials where providing benign worms to people suffering from asthma or Crohns has resolved the condition.

The gut is home to some hundred trillion bacteria, as well as other microbes, providing a living wallpaper to protect your body from irritating proteins or pathogens that come in with food.  There are two major classes:  firmicuites which include lactobaccili like acidophilus and bacteriodetes which include nonpathogenic varieties of E. coli.  Fat and thin people have different balances of firmicuites and bacteriodetes, according to recent research by Ley and Gordon.  Fat people have more firmicuites which help break down sugars and extract nutrients from food better.- we get more out of our food whether we need it or not.  Thin people have more bacteriodetes which in overgrowth can cause diarrhea.  The researchers were able to induce obesity in lean germ-free mice by implanting the gut bacteria of fat mice.   Europeans have been able to get e-coli probiotics, which might assist in weight loss, but the FDA forbids their import into the US.  (I tried!)fatmouse

Bacteria which we associate with disease, like H. pylori which is suspected as a cause of ulcers and esophogeal erosion also help us:  H. pylori is associated with lower adenocarcinoma rates.  Acidophilus which breaks down food is desirable in the gut but can eat away tooth enamel in the mouth.  Fairly benign staph bacteria can outcompete serious bacteria like MRSA which are resistant to drugs and when they are eliminated by antibacterial soaps and sprays, the truly nasty bacteria are left.

So ease up on the antibacterial soap, throw out your Hulda Clarke parasite zapper and only worry about those worms that hurt your health or yeasts which have proliferated out of control because competitive organisms are not keeping them in check.  And don’t avoid live fermented foods if you have a candida overgrowth:  you want competition for the buggers.  Miso, kefir, kombucha, yogurt, buttermilk, olives, blue cheese, sauerkraut, live pickles and kimchee are full of probiotics that can all help reinforce your gut flora.  And don’t forget the prebiotic foods like inulin or FOS found in Jerusalem artichokes and onions, dandelion roots or chicory which feed your gut bacteria but cannot be fermented by yeasts.


Endosymbiosis: Lynn Margulis   http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/_0/history_24

Ecological and Evolutionary Forces Shaping Microbial Diversity in the Human Intestine http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0092867406001929

Gut Reaction: Environmental Effects on the Human Microbiota http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=2685866&blobtype=pdf

Immune Gene Evolution May Be Driven By Parasites http://www.dana.org/news/features/detail.aspx?id=22816

The Body Politic http://seedmagazine.com/content/print/the_body_politic/ (picture from this article.)

Gut Bacteria Do More Than Digest Food  http://www.hhmi.org/bulletin/aug2010/features/gut_bacteria5.html

See Also:

Swapping Germs: Should Fecal Implants Become Routine for Debilitating Diarrhea?

Chemicals and Obesity: What if if isn’t all your fault?

Why A Parasite Cleanse Can Make You Worse

Probiotics and Probiotic Foods

How to Make Miso

Fermented Blueberry Drink Prevents Diabetes and Obesity

Sun Exposure Inadequate for Vitamin D

I have been recommending for some time now that people not rely upon sun for all levels of Vitamin D.  Sunshine is quite wonderful for you, despite what the dermatologists and cosmetic salespeople tell you, so long as you are sensible about exposure.  But as the story below tells you, it isn’t enough for your Vitamin D requirements.Sun

Most of us live far too north to get the proper light intensity  or the correct angle of the rays needed to produce Vitamin D.  Virtually all makeup and most skin creams have a SPF blocking free access to sunlight.  And very few of us are willing to foreswear soap for 48-72 hours after sun exposure in order to allow the Vitamin D conversion.  Our food no longer has much since animals are fed indoors on grain instead of growing grass and herbs.  And frankly the levels we need are too high without supplementation.

I personally take 10,000 iu of Vitamin D daily.  That is roughly half of what someone might pick up in a couple of hours of sun at the equator where humans evolved.  I suggest considerably higher doses for people with cancer or other serious illnesses, but I do suggest they periodically get their blood tested.  Although toxicity is virtually unknown in the literature, it has been seen anecdotally with doses over 120,000 iu for prolonged periods of time.  (People with scleroderma or abnormal calcium metabolism can’t take it though.)  Doctors give prescription doses as high as 300,000 iu on a periodic basis for people who are seriously deficient.  But none of these dosages will be found in your multivitamin or calcium pill, or even your cod liver oil.  Those doses are more like 400 iu.  You need to seek out the few vitamin manufacturers who are up on the Vitamin D research and make high potency pills.

Adequate Sun Exposure No Guard
Against Low Vitamin D

In many people, vitamin D levels can remain low despite abundant exposure to sunlight, research shows. Inadequate sun exposure is often blamed for the high prevalence of low vitamin D status, the authors explain, but the truth of this has been unclear. Dr. Neil Binkley with the University of Wisconsin Osteoporosis Clinical Research Program, Madison, and colleagues investigated the vitamin D status of people living in sun-drenched Hawaii. The 93 participants in the study spent an average 22.4 hours per week outside without sunscreen and 28.9 hours per week outside with and without sunscreen. This translates to a mean of 11.1 hours per week of total body skin exposure with no sunscreen used, the authors calculate. Despite this abundant sun exposure, 51 percent of these individuals were found to have low vitamin D levels, the researchers found. “This implies that the common clinical recommendation to allow sun exposure to the hands and face for 15 minutes may not ensure vitamin D sufficiency,” Binkley and colleagues report.

It should not be assumed that individuals with abundant sun exposure have adequate vitamin D status,” the team concludes.

SOURCE: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, June 2007.

Coffee Beats Statins In Reducing Diabetes Inflammation

From Harvard:  a two years old trial found that  diabetic women who drank coffee had 10% less inflammation in their blood vessels,  shown by lower CRP levels than controls for each additional cup of coffee drunk per day.  These results are much better than the recent Crestor statin trial on CRP.   From other research, the likely antiiflammatory constituent is chlorogenic acid, also present in blueberries.coffee

Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 Oct;84(4):888-93.

Coffee consumption and markers of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction in healthy and diabetic women.

Lopez-Garcia E, van Dam RM, Qi L, Hu FB.

Department of Nutrition and Epidemiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA,
USA. esther.lopez@uam.es

BACKGROUND: In several short-term studies, coffee consumption has been associated
with impairment of endothelial function. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to assess the relation coffee_beansbetween long-term caffeinated and decaffeinated filtered coffee consumption and markers of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction.  … CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that neither caffeinated nor decaffeinated filtered coffee has a detrimental effect on endothelial function. In contrast, the results suggest that coffee consumption is inversely associated with markers of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction.

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