Tansy hosted November’s herbal blog party. The subject was morning beverages…be it coffee, mate, or some herbal concoction. Herbalists share our morning beverage rituals. Here is the blogroll:
Karen Vaughan writes about the benefits of coffee and talks about mixing it with herbs
Lisl writes all about chai and includes a recipe for her favorite blend
Susan Lubbers writes about waking up with a holy cuppa…holy basil!
Darcey Blue French shares her chocamatamatelatte recipe
Need a little caffeine in your morning ritual? Try Rosalee de la Foret’s suggestions for black tea
Tansy’s idea of a great caffeine free morning beverage: roasted root chai
Aquarian Bath’s secret to a great cup of earl grey tea
Stephany shares some great recipes for all sorts of moods!
Aartiana writes about her favorite morning infusions
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